20 вопросов do does (по 10 с каждого)


Ответ дал: Sonkadg56ghh22
1 Do you live in London?
2Do Emma and Peter play football?
3Why do they like ice-cream?
4Do we want to do that?
5When do you do homework on English?
6Do they swim in waterpool?
7Do you go for a walk?
8What do you do in free time?
9How much do you fond key?
10Do you like cofe or tea?

1 Does she like go to school?
2Does Sue eat an apple?
3 Does his was in the musem ?
4 Where does it fall?
5Does Mary like strawberry or watermelon?
6Does he get up at 7o'clock every day?
7Why does she late?
8How many does he have sweets?
9Does he look at pictures ?
10Does she go to park?
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