Form questions and answer them. 1 you | often | wear | jeans? 2 you | wear | jeans now? 3 it | rain | now? 4 it | often | rain | in your country? 5 you | study | English every day? 6 you | study | English at the moment?


Ответ дал: YanaDeV
1 Do you often wear jeans?
Yes, I do. I really like them.

2. Are you wearing jeans now?
If I have any wish and possibility to do that.

3. Is it rain now?
No, it's snowy outside and windy now.

4. Is it often rain in yo country?
Not often in some regions, but there is rain sometimes in St.-Petersburg.

5. Do you study English every day?
I do it if I have a possibility so I do not study English every day.

6. Are you studying Eng. at the moment?
Of course I do. It is my favourite language.
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