ДАЮ 30 БАЛЛОВ! Помогите с английским!
Read the text and complete it with the words from the box.
understand apartments British sweets
international native language American
English-speaking countries.
English is the most popular 1)____________ nowadays. People all over the world speak English as a foreign language. We can say that English has become the most important 2) ___________ language. If you speak English, people will 3)__________ you practically everywhere.
But what are the countries where English is the 4)____________ language? Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are English-speaking countries.
In all these countries people speak English, but it is a little different in each of them.
People speak 5)___________ English in the USA and 6)_________ English in Great Britain. For example, people live in flats in England, but they live in 7)_________ in America. They eat cookies and candies in the USA, but biscuits and 8)___________ in Great Britain. Children go to school in the fall in America, but in autumn in England.


Ответ дал: Mioria
1. language, 2. international, 3. understand, 4. native, 5. American, 6. British, 7. apartments, 8. sweets
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