Составьте предложения. Дайте ответы про себя. Укажите, в каких предложениях была использована конструкция be going to. Write the sentences. Give answers about yourself.
summer / are / this / you / going I Where I ?
there / going / How / you I are I?
take / going / to / What / you are ?
with / are / you / Who / going / ?
do / going / to / you / there / What I are I ?
you / stay / going / to / are / Where I ?
Напишите вопросы к выделенным словам. Write the questions to the words in bold type.
Next summer I'm going to Britain.
Liz’s going to Kongo in July.
He's going to Russia by train.
She's going to stay on the farm.
I'm going to the beach?
срочно пожалуйста


Ответ дал: lifestylesunshine
1. Where are you going this summer?
-This summer I am going to Spain
2.How are you going there?
-I am going there by plain.
3.What are you going to take?
-I am going to take clothes
4.Who is going with you?
-My parents are going with me
5.What are you going to do there?
-I am going sunbathing(загорать) and swim
6.Where are you going to stay?
-We are going to stay at the hotel
(но где искать выделенные слова я так и не поняла )(думаю, как перевести все эти предложения ты знаешь)
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