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Вот пример Last Sunday Mag got up at 9 am.
She washed her face and hands, cleaned her teeth.
Then she made her bed.
At half past nine Mag helped her mother to
Iay the table. She had breakfast with her
mum, dad and sister Becky. After breakfast Mag
watered the flowers and fed her pets.


Ответ дал: ksilime06
Last Saturday, Kate got up at 9 o'clock. She made her bed. Then, she went to the bathroom. She washed her face and brushed her teeth. At 9:30 she went to the kitchen, and ate breakfast . After breakfast, she went for a walk with dog Timmi. At 10:30 she went at home. 20 minute later, she helped mother cooked dinner. After that, she tided her room, and watered flowers.
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