1. Don't disturb him. He's dictating a very important letter to his secretary.
2. She was describing the accident to passers-by when the police arrived.
3. Oh, dear! She's been waiting for me for a quarter of an hour already.
4. What are they looking for?
5. Some stranger offered his help when I fell down in the street.
6. When did he write this book?
7. He speaks in such a low voice that nobody ever listens to him.
8. Mr. Brown is buying a new car.
9. Every woman is pleased when somebody pays her a compliment.
10. They haven't bought anything new lately.


Ответ дал: Аноним
Как то так..
1.  Very important letter is being dictated by him  to his secretary.
2. the accident 
 was being described by her  to passers-by when the police arrived.
3. I have been being waited by her for a quarter of an hour already.
4. нет пассивной формы
5. I was  offered 
some stranger's help  when I fell down in the street.
6. When was this book written by him? 
7. He is not listened by anybody, because He speaks in such a low voice
a new car is being bought by Mr. Brown  .
9. Every woman is pleased when she is paid by a compliment.
10. Nothing has been bought by Them lately.
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