Пожалуйста решите англиски язык пожалуйста срочно нада толко 3 и 4 и 5 пожалуйста срочно нада заранее спасибо



Ответ дал: lionessa3232
Are there any hotels in this town
Is there a cafe next to your school
Are there any museums in this city
How many people are there in your chess club
How many tables are there in this rooms
Is there a sports centre near your school? Yes,there is.
Are there any Italian restaurants in your town? No,there aren't
Are there any noisy streets near your house? No ,there aren't
Is there a shop opposite your school? No ,there isn't
Are there any famous people in your steet? Yes,there are
Is there an airport near your house? Yes,there is
1 on
2 next to
3 under
4 near
5 in
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