Помогите помогите помогите помогите прошу умоляю прошу прошу прошу прошу прошу прошу прошу пожалуето,если вы мне не поможете то мне придётся плотить 2000 ты а,если нам придётся плотить то тогда нехватит денег на учебу!
Task 7.

Open the brackets and put the verbs into Past Simple.

Last Thursday our class (1) ________________ (to go) to France for a day. I (2) _______________ (to get up) early. Mum (3) ______________ (to make) some sandwiches for me. I (4) _________________ (to leave) home at eight o'clock. Dad (5) __________ (to take) me to the station by car. When we (6) __________________ (to arrive) at the station, the teacher (7) _________________ (to be) there. We (8) _______________ (to have) lots of interesting things and we (9) ____________________ (to see) some beautiful things in the market. I (10) ______________ (to buy) some presents for my parents, and they (11) ____________ (to be) very happy.


Ответ дал: ANimaaTor
1. went
2. got up
3. made
4. left
5. took
6. arrived 
7. was
8. had
9. saw
10. bought 
11. were

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