3. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present, Past или Future Progressive (Continuous).
1. Hello, Pat! Where you (to go)? 2. Paul (to read) ‘The Financial Times’ now. 3. Nellie (to sort out) the letters which need immediate attention now. 4. We (to watch) a new film when the electricity went off. 5. What you (to do) when I met you yesterday? 6. Paul (to have) a daily meeting with his deputy round about 9 tomorrow. 7. What you (to do) at 5 p.m. next Sunday? 8. Where is Mary? She (to type) her daily report. 9. We (not/to drive) fast when the accident took place. 10. Look! The puppies (to sleep).


Ответ дал: NatalieVK
1. Where are you going? 2. Paul is reading.... 3. Nellie is sorting out.... 4. We were watching..... 5. What were you doing when I...... 6. Paul will be having a daily..... 7. What will you be doing at 5....? 8. She is typing her.... 9. We were not driving fast when..... 10. The puppies are sleeping.
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