перевести из прямой речи в косвенную (даю много баллов)срочноо !!!! дам еще 25 за ответ



Ответ дал: peskotskaya
a) Ann asked the girls if they were playing chess.
b)He asked me how I managed to solve it.
c)The Frenchman wanted to know if the river Volga was in Russia.
d)He asked if she would return  their exercise-books that day.
e)Nick asked why their team lost games.
f)We asked a passer-by if ne knew where they lived.
g)Bob asked Jane(Jane-имя  женское но Воb называет её мужчиной и 2 раза написан предлог to.Путаница. Я напишу вам 2 варианта:
     1Bob asked John why he was shouting.He wanted to know what his name was.
    2Bob asked Jane why she was shouting.He wanted to know what her name was.
h)The man asked if we(или I) could see the lights over there.
i)Pam asked me if she would buy some new ones for her.
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
a Ann asked the girls whether they were playing chess.
b He asked me how I had managed to solve it.
c The Frenchman wondered if the river Volga was in Russia.
d He wanted to know whether she would return their exercise-books that day.
e Nick wondered why their team lost games.
f We asked a passer-by if he knew where they lived.
g Bob asked Jane why she was shouting and wondered what her name was.
h The man wondered whether I could see the lights over there.
i Pam asked me if she would buy some new ones for her.
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