Помогите пожалуйста. 6 интересных фактов о Шерлоке Холмсе на английском языке.


Ответ дал: MoLoDeTcS007
1.Holmes did not know that the Earth revolves around the Sun, assuring that it is irrelevant information for his work.
2.Holmes was most often played by British actor Aili Norwood: he had 47 films on his account. All of them, however, are dumb and were removed in the 20s of last century.
3.Holmes had at least half a dozen homemade gowns. The colors of three of them are known: light gray, dark gray and violet.
4."Sherlock Holmes" Guy Ritchie will be the first appearance of the detective on American screens for 21 years.
5."Young Sherlock Holmes" (1985) was the first film with a character completely created by computer, revived knightly armor.
6.Holmes (more precisely, his parody of Sherlock Hemlock) is a cross-section character of the children's program "Sesame Street".

Умнаядевочка1306: Большое спасибо!!!
MoLoDeTcS007: Не за что)
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