When you____(put) water in the fridge, it____(freeze).
She____(arrive) at school on time when she____(catch) the 8 o’clock bus.
Amanda____(look) completely different when she____(have) her hair cut.
If I____(cook) some eggs, how many___(you eat)?
I____(give) her the book if I___(see) her.
If you___(like) Italian food, you___(love) that restaurant.
When you___(travel) to the U.S.A___(not forget) your passport.


Ответ дал: mag1skboy
1. put, freezes
2. arrives, catches
3. looks, has
4. cook, How many will you eat?
5. will give, see
6. like, will love
7. travel, don't forget

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