Английский язык 8 класс, глаголы в скобках ставить в активный или пассивный залог(с объяснением). A lot of glossy magazines focus on teenagers or young people. Through impressive advertisements and pictures of perfect-looking stars, young people 1)........ (encourage) to do whatever they can to look like a Hollywood star. But real beauty 2)........ (not/find) in trendy clothes and fashionable makeup. Anyone who 3)........(feel) comfortable with the way they look, any teenager whose thoughts 4)........(express) with confidence will tell you that they feel beautiful. Of course, this doesn't mean that the way we look should 5)........(ignore). It simply means that we 6)........(need) to take enough care of our appearance so that we are confident with our image, but not to the point that we 7)........(drive) crazy when a spot 8)........(appear) on our face. So, the next time you are a little low on self-esteem, why don't you take a look at the photo of a beautiful fashion model before it 9)........ (retouch)? Better yet, take a look at the picture of a Hollywood beauty and fashion icon who 10)........(photograph) early in the morning and without make-up on!


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 are encouraged ( Present Simple Passive для множ.числа) многие молодые люди воодушевлены
2 isn’t found (Present Simple Passive для ед.числа) красоту невозможно найти
3 feels (Present Simple Active) любой человек/кто-угодно,кто чувствует себя
4 are expressed (Present Simple Passive для мн числа) мысли выражены
5 should be ignored (Modal Passive ) не стоит игнорировать свой внешний вид
6 need (Present Simple Active) нам необходимо
7 are driven (Present Simple Passive для мн числа) что нас сводят с ума
8 appears (Present Simple Active для детей числа 3го лица) пятнышко/прыщик появляется
9 is retouched (Present Simple Passive для ед.числа)
10 Возможно два варианта : is photograohed ( Present Simple Passive для ед.числа) которую фотографируют или was photographed (Past Simple Passive для ед числа) которую сфотографировали.
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