(C) Complete the sentences with too much/too many or not (n't) enough.

1. There's Nowhere to sit - there aren't enough chairs here! (Готовый пример)

2. I couldn't finish the test because there was _____ time

3. I feel sick - I think I've eaten _____ chocolate

4. I didn't really enjoy my visit to Istanbul because there were ____ tourists everywhere.

(D) Complete the sentences with will or be going to.

1. Next Summer we're going (go) to Spain for our holiday. We've booked the flights. (Готовый пример)

2. I've put some old clothes on because I _____ (wash) my dad's car for him.

3. What time _____ we _____ (meet) Essen this evening?

4. Please Can you lend me some money? I promise I _____ (pay) you back on Friday.


Ответ дал: captainrall
2) not enough
3) too much
4) too many

2) am going to wash
3) will we meet
4) will pay
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