Помогите пожалуйста, очень надо.
30 баллов!!



Ответ дал: TimurHuligan
Y: Hello, I'd like to make a complaint.
R: What's the problem?
Y: The room I just rented is very dirty and there are no clean towels. Why is that?
R: It must've been our fault. The cleaning staff must had got past the room and they forgot to clean it up. We will give you another room right now, so please, don't worry.
Y: Without the price raise?
R: Of course not.
Y: Another question. I noticed that Wi-Fi is not working.
R: Yes, we are aware of this problem. The I.T. Support will take care of it in no time...

sgbvt122: Спасибо!!!
Ответ дал: Haridem
You: Hello, i need a double-room with a view of this beautiful ocean.
Repeptionist: Yes, we have a double-room with a view of Pacific Ocean. You need something special in your room?
You: Yes, I need mini-bar and air conditioning.
Repeptionist: Yeah, we have such a room. Anything else?
You: No, thanks
Receptionst: How long are you going to stay?
You: About two weeks.
Repectionist: You need to pay 1500 dollars.
You: l'll pay next day, OK? And, last, do you have cafeteria in your room?
Receptionst: Yes, l'll take you there. (Проверь меня на артикли, у меня с ними беда(((( )

sgbvt122: Спасибо!
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