CHOOSE the correct participial adjective.
Martha: What's the matter with Alice?
Lois: Who knows? She's always (annoyed / annoying) about something.
M.: I know. I try to understand her, but this time I'm really (puzzled /puzzling).
L.: Really? What's so (puzzled / puzzling) this time?
M.: I thought she was happy. She met an (interested / interesting) guy last week.
L.: That's nice. Was she (interested / interesting) in him?
M.: I thought she was. She said they saw a (fascinated / fascinating) movie
L.: Well. Maybe she was (fascinated / fascinating) by the movie but (disappointed
/ disappointing) with the guy.
M.: I don't know. It's hard to tell with Alice. Her moods are always very (surprised
/ surprising).
L.: I'm not (surprised / surprising) at all. That's just the way she is.


Ответ дал: nunny
Lois: Who knows? She's always (annoyed) about something.
M.: I know. I try to understand her, but this time I'm really (puzzled).
L.: Really? What's so (puzzling) this time?
M.: I thought she was happy. She met an (interesting) guy last week.
L.: That's nice. Was she (interested) in him?
M.: I thought she was. She said they saw a (fascinating) movie
L.: Well. Maybe she was (fascinated) by the movie but (disappointed) with the guy.
M.: I don't know. It's hard to tell with Alice. Her moods are always very (surprising).
L.: I'm not (surprised / surprising) at all. That's just the way she is.

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