только соблюдайте последовательность!

ОТ Present Simple
ДО Future Perfect Continuous.

Betty Botta bought some butter


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
Betty Botta buys some butter- Present Simple
Betty Botta is buying some butter-Present Progressive
Betty Botta has bought some butter-Present Perfect
Betty Botta has been buying some butter-Present Perfect Progressive
Betty Botta bought some butter-Past Simple
Betty Botta was buying some butter-Past Progressive
Betty Botta had bought some butter-Past Perfect
Betty Botta had been buying some butter-Past Perfect Progressive
Betty Botta will buy some butter-Future Simple
Betty Botta will be buying some butter-Future Progressive
Betty Botta will have bought some butter-Future Perfect
Betty Botta will have been buying some butter-Future Perfect Progressive

plalisa: огромное спасибо
Juliyasha11: Рада помочь) отрывок из детской скороговорки))
Вас заинтересует