Выберите подходящую форму глагола в каждом предложении.
1) If you...(won't drink/don't drink/doesn't drink) wine, you...(won't feel/don't feel/doesn't feel) sleepy.
2) The child...(will start/start/starts) crying if the toy...(will break/break/breaks).
3) We...(will go/go/goes) to the beach if the weather...(will be/is/be) sunny tomorrow.
4) I...(will be/am/be) late for the concert if I...(won't find/ don't find/doesn't find) a taxi.
5) If he...(will become/become/becomes) Prime Minister, he...(will raise/raise/raises) taxes.
6) If you...(will be/are/is) more careful, you...(won't make/makes/make) so many mistakes.


Ответ дал: fcot1412
1 don't / won't
2 will start / breaks
3 will go / is
4 will be / don't find
5 becomes / will raise
6 are / won't make
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