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3 It was a hot summer day. Tom and his mum were heading to the beach. Tom was only wearing shorts and a pair of sandals on his ____FOOT___ but he felt hot anyway. When they came to the beach, they found out that the sea ____NOT/BE____ calm – powerful waves were breaking on the shore. Mum ____STOP____ in hesitation. “It’s fine. I can easily swim in these waves,” Tom wanted to demonstrate his swimming skills. But his mother said that they ____STAY____ out of the water till the sea calmed down. Sitting close to ____THEY___ was a boy about Tom’s age. He was alone because his parents ____LEAVE____ to buy some sandwiches. He came over and said his name was Gary. His shoulders ____COVER_____ with protective suntan lotion, but they looked red anyway. “It’s getting ___HOT_____ every minute,” said Gary. “How about a swim?” “No way,” Tom’s mother was definitely against the idea and Tom had to obey. “As you like,” Gary said and headed to the water. The _____THREE___ wave hit him hard and he lost his balance. Everything was happening very fast – Gary fell down and went under the water. Fortunately, Tom and his mother were close enough to get him out in time.
4 A few years ago I was on a camping holiday in Bristol. There ____BE________ lots of other girls from around the UK, but I was the only one from Scotland. The camp ____LOCATE______ in the woods, not far from the river. The camp life was even _____INTERESTING______ than I had expected. We enjoyed all kinds of camping activities – sports and games, different shows and contests. Everything was fine apart from one incident that took me aback. Once, at lunchtime, when I ____EAT____ ice cream, one of the girls asked: “So, do you have ice cream in Scotland?” I ___NOT/KNOW_______ how to react. My neighbour repeated her question. I nodded, “Yes.” My answer provoked a wave of absurd questions about my country: “Have you ever seen a ghost in your castle?” “Do all Scottish ___MAN_______ wear checked skirts?” I ___FIND_____ out that some people believe silly stereotypes about Scotland. They believe that Scots really carry bagpipes in ___THEY_______ bags to play the instrument on the streets, and that Scots practise magic. At last, the girls said that they ___COME_____ to Scotland one day to see it with their own eyes and to separate the truth from the myths.
5 The academic term was coming to its end and Kate decided to arrange a party to celebrate the coming holidays. To be frank, there ____BE_____ one more reason for the party. Kate wanted her classmates to meet someone from her family. She was sure it would impress ___THEY____ and would help her popularity. Kate ___MAKE____ sandwiches in the kitchen when Hugo came in. “It looks like I’m the ___ONE___ guest, doesn’t it?” Hugo looked embarrassed. “Sorry for coming so early.” “Oh, it’s ok,” said Kate, “Come in! You ____HELP____ me in the kitchen, won’t you?” “Sure,” Hugo entered the room and ____STOP____ in surprise. “Are you saying you made all this yourself?” On the table there was a huge pie. It ____DECORATE____ with different fruit and looked fantastic. “No,” Kate looked pleased with his reaction. “My cousin helped me. She____LEAVE____ for the shop. She’ll be back any minute. The front door opened and a girl entered. Hugo understood that he ___SEE____ her many times in different TV programmes for teenagers. “A TV star?” Hugo sounded so silly that both girls burst out laughing.


Ответ дал: MrsVaderr

№3. It was a hot summer day. Tom and his mum were heading to the beach. Tom was only wearing shorts and a pair of sandals on his FEET but he felt hot anyway. When they came to the beach, they found out that the sea WAS NOT calm – powerful waves were breaking on the shore. Mum STOPPED in hesitation. “It’s fine. I can easily swim in these waves,” Tom wanted to demonstrate his swimming skills. But his mother said that they WOULD STAY out of the water till the sea calmed down. Sitting close to THEM was a boy about Tom’s age. He was alone because his parents HAD LEFT to buy some sandwiches. He came over and said his name was Gary. His shoulders WERE COVERED with protective suntan lotion, but they looked red anyway. “It’s getting HOTTER every minute,” said Gary. “How about a swim?” “No way,” Tom’s mother was definitely against the idea and Tom had to obey. “As you like,” Gary said and headed to the water. The THIRD wave hit him hard and he lost his balance. Everything was happening very fast – Gary fell down and went under the water. Fortunately, Tom and his mother were close enough to get him out in time.

№4. A few years ago I was on a camping holiday in Bristol. There WERE lots of other girls from around the UK, but I was the only one from Scotland. The camp WAS LOCATED in the woods, not far from the river. The camp life was even MORE INTERESTING than I had expected. We enjoyed all kinds of camping activities – sports and games, different shows and contests. Everything was fine apart from one incident that took me aback. Once, at lunchtime, when I WAS EATING ice cream, one of the girls asked: “So, do you have ice cream in Scotland?” I DIDN'T KNOW how to react. My neighbour repeated her question. I nodded, “Yes.” My answer provoked a wave of absurd questions about my country: “Have you ever seen a ghost in your castle?” “Do all Scottish MEN wear checked skirts?” I FOUND out that some people believe silly stereotypes about Scotland.

They believe that Scots really carry bagpipes in THEIR bags to play the instrument on the streets, and that Scots practise magic. At last, the girls said that they WOULD COME to Scotland one day to see it with their own eyes and to separate the truth from the myths.

№5. The academic term was coming to its end and Kate decided to arrange a party to celebrate the coming holidays. To be frank, there WAS one more reason for the party. Kate wanted her classmates to meet someone from her family. She was sure it would impress THEM and would help her popularity. Kate WAS MAKING sandwiches in the kitchen when Hugo came in. “It looks like I’m the FIRST guest, doesn’t it?” Hugo looked embarrassed. “Sorry for coming so early.” “Oh, it’s ok,” said Kate, “Come in! You WILL HELP me in the kitchen, won’t you?” “Sure,” Hugo entered the room and STOPPED in surprise. “Are you saying you made all this yourself?” On the table there was a huge pie. It WAS DECORATED with different fruit and looked fantastic. “No,” Kate looked pleased with his reaction. “My cousin helped me. She HAS LEFT for the shop. She’ll be back any minute. The front door opened and a girl entered. Hugo understood that he HAD SEEN her many times in different TV programmes for teenagers. “A TV star?” Hugo sounded so silly that both girls burst out laughing.

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