Поставьте следующие предложения в Past Simple. 1. Her sister lives in Moscow. 2. My friend learns English. 3. Our teacher speaks French. 4. This engineei works at our office. 5. His wife goes to the office in the morning. 6. Her friend does English exercises at home 7. His name is Pavlov. 8. They are having dictation now 94


Ответ дал: Frog1ster
Her sister lived in Moscow,
My friend learnt English,
Our teacher spoke French,
This engineer worked at our office,
His wife went to the office in the morning,
Her friend did English exercises at home,
His name was Pavlov ( не очень логично),
They had dictation.

mikeyOneTwo: спасибо
Frog1ster: Не за что
mikeyOneTwo: а это зделаешь ?
mikeyOneTwo: Поставьте следующие предложения в Past Simple.1. Our teacher always speaks English in class. (3) 2. We sometimes have English in the evening. (1) 3. My friends work at the Ministry of Foreing Trade. (3) 4. We often have dictations in class. (2) 5. They do a lot of exercises at home. (2) 6. We are having our English now. (1)
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