Проверка неофициального письма, английский

Write a letter to your pen-friend in which you tell him/her:

whether your parents influence your choice of books to read;
what is your favorite literary genre and why;
where you usually get books you'd like to read.
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use any personal information

Dear Jay,

How are you? I'm fine. Thanks for your letter. It was really nice to hear from you. Sorry I haven't replied to your letter for so long. I've been very busy as you can imagine.
It is so good that parents are interested in entertainments, but in my opionion they shouldn't do a choise for me. My father and mother always teach me to be independent and do my choise myself. But as my mother I love fantastic literature i like it so much. Why? First, it improve my imagine. Second, it allows me to relax.
However, library in my town little enough and we don't have bookshops, it's big problem for me. But there are not problems with internet ha-ha, I'm finding books there and sometimes took it in my friends. Thanks for you future answer, good luck

With love Taras


Ответ дал: Настич17
Hallo Jay,
абзац после i've been very busy as you can imagine.
перед thanks for ( не you,a YOUR) future answer,good luck.
после with love (,) и абзац а потом уже Taras (без точки)
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