Now complete the dialogue with was or were.
A: Who__ the Marx Brothers?__ they singers?
B: No, they __n't. They__ film stars
A: And who __ Pablo Picasso? __ he a musician?
B: No, he __n't. He__an artist.


Ответ дал: nestyme
A: Who were the Marx Brothers? Were they singers?
B: No, they weren't. They were film stars
A: And who was Pablo Picasso? Was he a musician? 
B: No, he wasn't. He was an artist.
Ответ дал: Shaherezada55
Who were  the Marx Brothers? Were they singers?
No, they weren't. They were film stars.
And who was Pablo Picasso? was he a musician? 
No, he was not. He was an artist.

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