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This is the most interesting/more interesting book I’ve ever read.
Your dress is beautiful/more beautiful than hers.
My dad is a taller/tall man.
Last year February was colder/the coldest than January.
The Volga is short/shorter than the Mississippi.
Ann has the best/good handwriting of all.
Mum’s apple cake is more delicious/the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten!
My sister speaks English worse/bad than I do.
Who is the most attentive/more attentive student in your group?


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Ответ дал: parljukljuba
This is the most interesting book I've ever read.
Your dress is more beautiful than hers.
My dad is a tall man.
Last year February was colder than January.
The Volga is shorter than the Mississippi.
Ann has the best handwriting of all.
Mum's apple cake is the most delicious thing I've ever eaten!
My sister speaks English worse than I do.
Who is the most attentive student in your group?
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