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Whenever and wherever something important happens, journalists and photographers are re- porting on the events and taking pictures. These people often put themselves in dangerous situa- tions. Some may be seriously hurt or even killed because of their efforts. Journalists go to areas where there are conflicts to report on the war. They also report on political protests Sometimes their responsibilities put them in danger as they try to find out the facts behind a story. Photographers are courageous people. Wher ever they go they are ready to put themselves in dangerous situations to take dramatic pictures. For instance to get the pictures of wild animals, photographers try to get as close as they can to the animals: sharks, snakes and crocodiles. They also may have to climb tall mountains or dive. deep into the sea. Why do they do it?


Ответ дал: Варвара1206
1)Is the journalist's work dangerous?
Опасна ли работа журналиста?
2)What do they have to do at their work?
Что им приходится делать на работе?
3)for which photographers put dramatic pictures?
Для чего фотографы ставят драмматические картины?
4)why photographers are ready to face dangerous situations?
Почему фотографы готовы оказаться в опасных ситуациях?
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