Write question with yet.
1. Your friend has got a new job. Perhaps she has started it. You ask her :
Have you started your new job yet?
2. Your friend has some new neidhbours. Perhaps he has met them. You ask him:
3. Your friend must write a letter. Perhaps she has written it now. You ask her:
4. Tom was trying to sell his car. Perhaps he has sold it now. You ask a friend about Tom:


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

2. Your friend has some new neighbours. Perhaps he has met them. You ask him:

    Have you met your new neighbours yet?

3. Your friend must write a letter. Perhaps she has written it now. You ask her:

   Have you written a letter yet?

4. Tom was trying to sell his car. Perhaps he has sold it now. You ask a friend about Tom:

   Have you sold your car yet?

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