Open the brackets and put the appropriate form of the verbs “to be” and “to have”.

1.Ann (to have) three exams to pass last term.

2.Don’t pay attention to his rudeness he (to have) some personality problems and can’t hold himself together.

3.Peter (to have) enough confidence in his abilities to enter the university.

4.Who has told you the results of the entrance exams? – I (to have) some reliable sources of information.

5.Everybody (to have) his own personality traits and he must choose the course of study that corresponds his abilities.

6.I can’t communicate with her. She (to be) such an arrogant person.

7.We (to be) very good at studying foreign languages.

8.What (to be) your college major?


Ответ дал: neizvestno03
1) has
2) has
3) has
4) have
5) have
6) is
7) are
8) is
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