Put the dialogue in the correct Order.Act it out with your classmate.

_A:Have you ever been to the City Aquarium? _A:Oh,yes.There's a lot to see and to do there .You can watch the fish and sea animals there and see the dolphin show.There are different activoties for cgildren and grown-ups.It's very interesting there . _B:Sounds great . Let's arrange the day and time of our visit to this place,then. _B:Bye! _A:OK,that's settled. _B:Yes , let's meet at the bus stop at 11 am on Sunday,then. _A:What about Sunday?11 am?It that OK? _B:No,I haven't.Is it worth visiting?


Ответ дал: Flight12
A:Have you ever been to the City Aquarium?
B:No,I haven't.Is it worth visiting?
A:Oh,yes.There's a lot to see and to do there .You can watch the fish and sea animals there and see the dolphin show.There are different activities for children and grown-ups.It's very interesting there .
B:Sounds great . Let's arrange the day and time of our visit to this place,then.
A:What about Sunday?11 am?It that OK? 
B:Yes, let's meet at the bus stop at 11 am on Sunday,then. 
A:OK,that's settled.
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