Переведите на английский язык, выбрав правильное местоимение или его производное. “some”, “any”, “much”, “many”, “little”, “few”, “a little”, “a few” or their derivatives.
1.У них мало времени.
2. На катке много детей.
3. Сколько у него денег сейчас?
4. Я никого не знаю в этом городе.
5. Он занят. У него нет времени ходить в кино.
6. Сколько у тебя сигарет?
7. Дай мне что-нибудь поесть.
8. У него мало друзей. Он очень одинок.


Ответ дал: daurenovna13
1. They have little time.

2. There are many children on the rink.

3. How much money does he have now?

4. I do not know anyone in this city.

5. He's busy. He does not have time to go to the movies.

6. How many cigarettes do you have?

7. Give me something to eat.

8. He has few friends. He is very lonely.
Ответ дал: gege06
1)They have little time.
2) There are many children on the rink.
3) How much money does he have now?
4) I do not know anyone in this city.
5) He's busy. He does not have time to go to the movies.
6) How many cigarettes do you have?
7) Give me something to eat.
8) He has few friends. He is very lonely.
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