Заполните пробелы необходимой формой глагола “to be”(am, is, are):
1). Ted ..is... my best friend.
2). I ...... not tired.
3). This bag ...... heavy.
4). They ...... college students.
5). My brother and I ...... good tennis players.
6). Ann ...... at home but her children ...... at school.
помогите (((


Ответ дал: Bekose

2. I am not tired 
3. This bag is 
5. Is
6. Alone at home but her children study at school
Ответ дал: SupremeX
1). Ted is my best friend.
2). I am not tired.
3). This bag is heavy.
4). They are college students.
5). My brother and I is good tennis players.
6). Anna is at home but her children are at school.

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