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Ответ дал: lyudmilakuznec1
1. Excuse me, do you speak English? 2. Where 's Tom? He is having a shower. 3. I don't watch TV very often. 4 Listen! Somebody is singing. 5. Sandra is tired. She wants to go home. 6. How often do you read a newspaper? 7. Excuse me, but you are sitting in my place. Oh, I'm sorry. 8. I'm sorry. I don't understand. Can you speak more slowly?  9. It's late. I'm going home now. Do you come with me? 10. What time does your father finish work every day? 11. You can turn off the radio. I'm not listening to it.12. Where's Paul? In the kitchen. He is cooking something. 13. Martin does not usually drive to work. He usually walks. 14. Sue doesn't like coffee. She prefers tea.

лягушонок22: спасибо большое))
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