1) It (snow) all day. When will it stop? 2) Hi, Tom. I (see, not) you for weeks. What (you, do) all this time? 3) I (write) to them three times, but I (get, not) any answer yet. 4) Bill (be) here since the 5 of November. 5) I (meet) Mrs Gordon many times this week. 6) Colin, you (miss) already very many classes. 7) I (phone) Diana for three hours already, but she is not at home yet. 8) It's 11 p.m. I (work) on the computer since six and I (finish, not) yet. 9) I always (want) to make a four of Spain. 10) The telephone (ring) for almost a minute. Why doesn't someone answer it?


Ответ дал: nunny

1) It (has been snowing) all day. When will it stop?

2) Hi, Tom. I (have not seen) you for weeks. What (have you been doing) all this time?

3) I (have written) to them three times, but I (haven't got) any answer yet.

4) Bill (has been) here since the 5th of November.

5) I (have met) Mrs Gordon many times this week.

6) Colin, you (have already missed) very many classes.

7) I (have been phoning) Diana for three hours already, but she is not at home yet.

8) It's 11 p.m. I (have been working) on the computer since six and I (have not finished) yet.

9) I have always (wanted) to make a four of Spain.

10) The telephone (has been ringing) for almost a minute. Why doesn't someone answer it?

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