I. Вставьте is/isn't/are/aren't 1. There _____ two books on the table. (+) 2. There _____ a cupboard on the wall. (+) 3. There _____ a sofa in the kitchen (-) 4. There _____ six pictures above the table. (-) 5. There _____ a wardrobe in the bedroom. (+) 6. There ______ a blue chair at the door. (-) 7. There _____ five armchairs in the dining room. (-) 8. There _____ a table and nine desks in the classroom. (+) 9. There _____ a big window to the left of the door. (-) 10. There _____ three rooms in our country house. (+) 11. _____ there three cups on the coffee-table? - No, there _______. 12. ____ there a carpet on the floor? - Yes, there _______. 13. There _____ no cats in the living room. (+) 14. There_____ a cat on the table. (-) 15. There_____ 3 posters on the wall. (+) 16. There _____ central heating in the house. (+) 17. There _____ a lamp on the table. (+) 18. _____ there a bathroom near the kitchen? -Yes, there _______. 19. _____ there four rooms in the house? - No, there __________. 20. _____ there a kitchen under your bedroom? No, there ______


Ответ дал: ник5250
в единственном числе пишется is,isn't например,
There is book on the table
во множественном числе are,aren't например,
There are two books on the table.

AliSaNover2000: Спасибо!
ник5250: не за что
Ответ дал: buterolgap12f8b

1.       Are

2.       Is

3.       Isn’t

4.       Aren’t

5.       Is

6.       Isn’t

7.       Aren’t

8.       Is

9.       Isn’t

10.   Are

11.   Are, are not

12.   Is, is

13.   Are

14.   Isn’t

15.   Are

16.   Is

17.   Is

18.   Is, is

19.   Are, are not

20.   Is, is not

AliSaNover2000: Спасибо!
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