Fill in do, does, dont, or doesnt

1 ".................. you want to watch f flim tonight?" "No,l.................. ."
2"................... she like spaghetti?" " Yes, she .......................... ."
3".................. you want study every day?" "No, l ........................ ."
4"................. your mum like cooking?" "No, she ................... ."
5"................. your friends play football?" "No,they ................ ."



Ответ дал: KnYaZ1337
1 Do, no i dont
2 Does , does
3 Do, Don't
4Does, Doesn't
5Do, don't

Ваня2044: >i dont think so >Thats a great >l'm afraid >Count me in >is not really my thing Подскажи)
Ответ дал: asya1993
Do используется со множественным числом и с I и you:
do you, do I, do they и т.д
Does используется с единственным числом:
Does she, does he, does it и т.д

1) Do you want to watch a film tonight? No, I don't
2)Does she like spagetti? Yes she does
3)Do  you want study every day? No/ I don't
4)Does your mum like cooking? No/ she doesn't
5)Do your friends play football? no, they don't

Ваня2044: >i dont think so >Thats a great >l'm afraid >Count me in >is not really my thing Подскажи)
asya1993: Я так не думаю > Это великолепно > Я боюсь > посчитай меня > это действительно не моя вещь
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