Хеееееееелп, кто шарит в этом?
1.Have you seen Alan?(ten minutes ago) Yes , I ten minutes ago. 2.Have you painted the gate ? (last week) Yes , we it 3.Has Jane gone to France? (on Friday) Yes, she 4.Have they had dinner?(at 7 o"clock) 5.Has he started his new work?(yesterday)


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
2 Have you painted the gate? Yes, I painted the gate last week.
3 Has Jane gone to France? Yes, she went to France on Friday.
4 Have they had dinner? Yes, they had dinner at 7 o'clock.
5 Has he started his new work? He started his new work yesterday.

999HelpMePlease999: Надеюсь правильно, благодарю:з
parljukljuba: Правильно, можете не сомневаться )
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