Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
1. When I was a child I often visited my grandparents.
When I was a child, I would...
2. My brother often takes my things without asking. It's really annoying.
My brother is always...
3. They spent this morning makes cakes. They have got ten cakes now.
They have ... this morning. They have got ten cakes now.
4. I didn't live in Britain when I was younger.
I didn't use...
5. Caroline lives in London. She moved there in 2006.
Caroline has...
6. Ben started cooked three hours ago. He's still cooking.
Ben has...
7. They continued talking and ignored me.
They kept...


Ответ дал: wvnovlsgeemoysuxt
1)When I was a child, I would often visit my grandparents.
My brother is always taking my things without asking. It's really annoying.
3)They have made cakes this morning . They have got ten cakes now.
4)I didn't used to live in Britain
Caroline has been living in London since 2006
6)Ben has been cooking for three hours
7)They kept talking and ignoring me
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