1. If you (PAINT) the walls white the room (BE) much brighter.(2)
2. If I (HAVE) a ladder, I (REPAIR) the roof myself. (1)
3. You (NOT HAVE) so many accidents if you (DRIVE) slower. (3)
4. I (GET) up if I (HEAR) the alarm clock. (3)
5. If you (GO) to Paris you (STAY) at a hotel. (2)
6. I (BRING) you something to dring if i (KNOW) you are thirsty.(1)
7. If anyone (ATTACK) me, my dog (JUMP) at him.(1)
8. If everybody (GIVE) me 3 pounds we (HAVE) enough.(2)
9. If we (HAVE) more rain our crops (GROW) faster.(2)


Ответ дал: nunny

1. If you (PAINTED) the walls white the room (
WOULD BE) much brighter.(2)
2. If I (HAVE) a ladder, I (WILL REPAIR) the roof myself. (1)
3. You (
WOULD NOT HAVE HAD) so many accidents if you ( HAD DRIVEN) slower. (3)
4. I (
WOULD HAVE GOT) up if I (HAD HEARD) the alarm clock. (3)
5. If you (WENT) to Paris you (
WOULD STAY) at a hotel. (2)
6. I (WILL BRING) you something to dring if i (KNOW) you are thirsty.(1)
7. If anyone (ATTACKS) me, my dog (WILL JUMP) at him.(1)
8. If everybody (GAVE) me 3 pounds we (
WOULD HAVE) enough.(2)
9. If we (HAD) more rain our crops (WOULD GROW) faster.(2)

simons94oz22iv: спасибо
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