Вставьте Am Is Are Do Does
... She like her new house?
...he ill?
...they going to be party?
...he like your new dress?
...she work hard?
...you still angry with ne?
...he finish work at 6pm?
...you coming to the party tonight?
...i late again?


Ответ дал: Аноним
Does she like her new house?
Is he ill?
Are they going to be party?
Does he like your new dress?
Does she work hard?
Are you still angry with me?
Does he finish work at 6 pm?
Are you coming to the party tonight?
Am I late again?

Аноним: Спасибо!
Аноним: помоги пожалуйста я добавлю ещё один вопрос
Аноним: ok
Аноним: А нет спасибо
Ответ дал: BloggerMAlinka
Does She like her new house?
Does he ill?
Are they going to be party?
Does he like your new dress?
Does she work hard?
Are you still angry with ne?
Does he finish work at 6pm?
Are you coming to the party tonight?
Am i late again?
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