Поставить глаголы в нужную форму:
37. ______ that we should tell him tomorrow? (you agree)

38. They couldn't leave the studio when I called because they _____ a film. (edit)

39. I ______ the machine for some time when I realised that there was no ink in it. (use)

40. When he warned them about the police, they ______ the country. (leave)

41. Don't make a noise: the children ______ to sleep. (try)

42. Oh! You ______ a new dress! (buy)

43. She ______ here for several years – four or five now, I think. (work)

44. We ______ in the sunshine for about twenty-five minutes when I suddenly felt sick. (sit)

45. He'll be ready in a moment. He ______ his shoes. (clean)

46. I ______ listening to their complaints all day. One of these days I'll tell them what I really think. (hate)

47. I ______ down on the bed and fell asleep. (lie)

48. I think I ______ him somewhere before. (see)

49. I couldn't get into the car, because the children ______ the car keys. (hide)


Ответ дал: IchBinEinJunge
37. Are you agree
38. were editting
39. was using
40. left
41. are trying
42. have bought
43. is working
44. were sitting
45. is cleaning
46. hate
47. lay
48. saw
49. had hided
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