Написать текст на англ мове от 60_80 слов про твое здоровье, которое начинается. In your letter you are asking me how healthy my lifestyle is. In fact, и продолжаете . Время 30мин.


Ответ дал: Миленькая1Уточка
In your letter you are asking me how healthy my lifestyle is. In fact, one of the best ways to stay healthy and fit is to go in for various sports. Due to highly polluted environment people suffer from many diseases. The best way to stay healthy is to do regular morning exercise, to eat healthy products, to sleep at least 8 hours a day and to quit bad habits.  I spend a lot of time in the swimming-pool. I think it revitalizes my body and gives me energy for the whole day. In general, my health is in my hands!

ШКольник1века: спасибо
Миленькая1Уточка: Не за что) Не забудь отметить лучшим))) Удачи))))
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