Используя предлагаемые слова, видоизмените предложения

1) They travel very much (In summer, in the Caucasus)

2) She teaches with pleasure (English, us)

3) I must tell you about myself. (many things, first of all)

4) He is the person I want to see (now, last)

5) I have to wait ages at the bus stop. ( every morning, for a bus)

6) There are discussions (lively, at his seminars) 


Ответ дал: zorbing
1) In summer they travel very much in the Caucasus. или They travel very much in the Caucasus in summer.
2) She teaches us English with pleasure.
3) First of all, I must tell you many things about myself.
4) He is the last person I want to see now.
5) Every morning I have to wait ages for a bus at the bus stop.
6) There are lively discussions at his seminars.

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