Put the verb to go in the necessary form.
1. I ...to the swimming pool every Sunday. 2. I ... to the swimming pool yesterday. 3. I ... to that museum twice. Let's go somewhere else. 4.We ... to that museum tomorrow. We bought the tickets for everybody. 5.I think we... go tomorrow. Otherwise, it will be too late. 6. He... to the shop before he came here. 7. Where... you...? May I go with you?


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
I go to the swimming pool every Sunday.
I went to the swimming pool yesterday.
I have gone to that museum twice.
We are going to that museum tomorrow. We bought the tickets for everybody.
I think we will go tomorrow.
He had gone to the shop before he came here.
Where are you going? May I go with you.

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