Помогите решить номер 43 СРОЧНО!!!! Пожалуйста прошу вас!!!!


Julyy2002: нужен перевод?
Anna1113544: Да, в пошедшем времени


Ответ дал: Julyy2002
She stayed in her bed for some time. But Beth was hungry. She wanted something to eat. She made herself to get up and went to the bathroom. She washed and cleaned her teeth. Beth went to the kitchen and had her breakfast. After breakfast she thought how to spend her day. Suddenly the telephone rang. Her friend Tom phoned. Tom said he had two tickets to the theatre and he invited her to go and see the play. Beth thanked him and agreed to go to the theatre. The play bagan at twelve. She had only two hours to dress and to get the theatre. Beth didn't know what to put on in such a weather. She thought for some minuters and chose her beautiful dress. The weather was bad but she was in a good mood.
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