Раскройте скобки:
1 Their friends seldom (to go) for a walk in the yard.
2 My mother usually (to dress) at eight o'clock.
3 I sometimes (to wash up) at a quarter to five.
4 Ben and Dan often (to play) chess in the evening.
5 My father usually (to go) to the stadium on Sundays.
6 We (to like) to read the books in the evening.
7 My friend always (to watch) TV at seven o'clock.
8 She sometimes (to have) dinner at a quarter to four.
9 They seldom (to get up) at eight o'clock.


Ответ дал: rica777
1 Their friends seldom go for a walk in the yard.
2 My mother usually dresses at eight o'clock.
3 I sometimes wash up at a quarter to five.
4 Ben and Dan often play chess in the evening.
5 My father usually goes to the stadium on Sundays.
6 We like to read the books in the evening.
7 My friend always watches TV at seven o'clock.
8 She sometimes has dinner at a quarter to four.
9 They seldom get up at eight o'clock.

Ответ дал: zorbing
1. go 2. dresses 3. wash up 4. play 5. goes 6. like 7. watches 8. has 9. get up

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