Помогите пожалуйста здесь надо выбрать что вставить из предлогов: a,an,the
1)Is this your ..... friend?- No, it isn't my.....friend, it is my sistep.
2) I have .... sistep. My...sistep is....teavher. My sister's..... husband is...pilot.
3) I have no ...car.
4) She has got.... terrible....headache.
5)They have...dog and two....cats.
6)My....cousin says he is going to be....manager one...day.
7)Would you like...apple?
8) This is....tree....tree is green.
9) I can see three.....children are playing in.....yard.
10)I have....car.....car is white. My....friend has no ....car.


Ответ дал: ohshhhtt
1. Здесь ничего не нужно вставлять(-).
2. A, a, -, a.
3. -
4. A, -.
5. A, -.
6. -, a, -.
7. An.
8. A, the.
9. -, a.
10. A, the, -, -.
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