ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТО СОСТАВИТЬ ПЯТЬ ТИПОВ ВОПРОСОВ (Present Perfect- наст совершенное время) к этип предложениям.



Ответ дал: vencedorik
2 Have they come back to their hometown because they missed it?
   Why have they come back to their hometown?
   They have come back to their hometown because they missed it, haven't they?
    Have they come back to or left their hometown because they missed it?
    Who have come back to the hometown?

3 His new book has come out recently
   Has his new book come out recently?
   When has his new book come out?
   Has his new book or new film come out recently?
   His new book has come out recently, hasn't it?
   What has come out recently?

4 Mary has come round to see my new stereo.
   Has Mary come round to see my new stereo?
   Why has Mary come round?
   Has Mary come round to see my new stereo or playstation?
   Mary has come round to see my new stereo, hasn't she?
   Who has come round to see my new stereo?   

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