Раскройте скобки и напишите где какое время и почему. Пожалуйста



Ответ дал: annie272
1) Her father didnt watch TV at the moment
2) Her Mother is at the market now.She wants to buy some fresh fruit
3) Where does your uncle work? he works at school
4) He learnt all the grammar rules yesterday
5) Did your friend do his homework now?
6) When do you usually come home from school? I come at 4 o'clock
7) Did mike buy a new computer game yesterday?
8) Jane wasn't fond of sports last year
9) Where were they 3 months ago?
10) are moving slowly, the sun appears from behind the clouds. It gets
11) I dont drink coffee in the evening. i drink coffee in the morning
12) The concert took place 4 days ago.
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