Помогите пожалуйста!!Прошу вас!!Очень надо!!Буду очень благодарен!!
1)She wanted to check that there..........enough lifejackets and lifeboats before they left the port just in case anything went wrongю(BE)
2)Last week I failed my driving test for the fourth time. I knew I would have to retake my driving test as soon as I saw the........(EXAMINE)
3)I was a little bit late as I had.............underestimate bow long it would take me to get there. In this overerowded city all the buses were packed and I bad had to wait more than twenty minutes before a conductor would let me get on a bus.(SLIGHT)
4)I knew apologizing would be...........so I just got in the car.(USE)


Ответ дал: nickollefrix
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