Помогите решить; Part A
Ming: Hello May. I haven’t seen you for a long time. How (1)__ you?
Jo: I’m great. Thanks! Right now, I (2)__ (try) to find a job.
Ming: Oh, that must be very hard. But I thought you (3)__ (work) in a law firm before?
Jo: Yes, but I (4)__ (quit) 2 months ago. I (5)__ (not/like) the boss. She was annoying. What about you?
Ming: Well, I (6)__ on my way to (7)__ (watch) a movie. That’s my job now. Movie reviewer.
Jo: How nice! How many movies (8)__ you __ (watch) a day?
Ming: Six. I (9)__ (watch) 3 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon.My boss (10)__ crazy yesterday. He (11)__ (make) me watch 10 movies!
Jo: So horrible. I bet you (12)__ (sleep) while watching the movies.
Ming: Haha. How (13)__ you __ (guess)?


Ответ дал: nasty9156
1 are
2 am trying
3 work
4 quieted
5 don't like
6 am
7 watched
8 are, watch
9 watched
10 is
11 made
12 slept
13 are, guess
вроде так

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