Вставьте правильное вопросительное слово ( в задании возможны два варианта ответа):
- _________ flower is associated with England?
- It is the rose.
a) what b) which c) why d) when
Найдите пропущенный артикль: Roast beef is __ traditional food of England
a) the b) - c) an d) a
Выберите правильную форму глагола:
In summer the changing os the guard ___ place every day.
a) to take b) is taking c) takes d) take
Заполните пропуск в предложении:
-______ to Wales this weekend?
- I want to enjoy the nature.
a) are we go b) are we going c) did we go d) do we going
Дополните диалог:
- How _____ to your job?
- _____ bus. It much faster than to take a tube.
a) do you get. By
b) do you get. On
c)are you getting. By
d) Are you getting. On


Ответ дал: DianaFutureSchool
3)to take
4)are we go 
5)do you get.By

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