Put the sentences in correct order in the conversation and complete the last sentence. A - B- C- D- E - F - 1: Shaig: Why? 2: Sevda: First I’m going to Holland. 3: Shaig: Well, then I’m going to Spain to … . 4: Shaig: To see the tulips, of course! Haven’t you heard about Tulips’ Carnival in Holland? Fascinating tulip arrangements and fl oats look like “tulip seas”. The visitors adore this unique fl ower parade. And I want to be one of the visitors. 5: Shaig: Where are you going fi rst? 6: Sevda: Oh, yes! How wonderful!


Ответ дал: AetherGirl1
5;2;1;4;6;3. ...to live there for two months

musabarabashov: спс большое
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